Phoenix Site's Stargate

The Stargate being monitored at Phoenix Site.

Phoenix Site's Stargate was the Stargate located on Phoenix planet. The gate is controlled by the Tau'ri and is equipped with an iris. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")


The Goa'uld queen Taweret scouted the planet the gate was on in a Tel'tak and choose it to be the location of her facility used to create engineered symbiotes, as she incorrectly believed that the planet didn't have a Stargate. (RPG: "Watershed")

Two years later, in August 2002, the planet became the location of Stargate Command's Phoenix Site. The Stargate was held in Phoenix Site's Gate room which was located on floor-3.[1] (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

At some point, Phoenix Site dialed BP6-314 and a growing power surge came back from the gate and wouldn't disconnect. The connection later dropped when the Old One's in the subspace prison on BP6-314 gathered enough psychic energy from the visiting Phoenix team to attempt an escape. (RPG: "Mechanicus")

In 2003, the Stargate's iris opened without warning and Phoenix Site had an incursion of the System Lord Wepwawet's Jaffa. With the gate active, an off-world Phoenix team was unable to get back to the Site until Puck teleported the team, who defeated the Jaffa in the gateroom, then also teleported Jaffa allies, Em'lyn, Bowjin, and other Minos warriors there. Heim closed the iris. Shortly after, more of Wepwawet's forces tried to come through but the iris held. (RPG: "United")


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