
"The Phoenix Alliance is all of us. Each species has something unique to offer, be it superior technology and knowledge, or relentless bravado."
Emissary Tolii[src]

The Phoenix Alliance was a joint galactic alliance between the Tau'ri, Tok'ra, Aturen, and Jaffa against the Goa'uld.


While Phoenix Site had control over all military activities going through the base, the Phoenix Council governed Haven, which included the Alliance's four major powers at Phoenix Site; the Tau'ri, Tok'ra, Aturen, and Jaffa. (RPG: "Field of Reeds")

The Headquarters for Off-world Migration Endeavors was a joint initiative of the Phoenix Alliance that provided aid for displaced people.[3]

The Unas weren't official members of the Alliance since they lacked a unified government, but Raktor served as an unofficial ambassador.[4] The remnants of the Tollan also were not an official member but had lent their support.[2]

The Reol also indicated a desire to join the Phoenix Alliance but at a later stage, as at the time they were focused on rebuilding their society. One Reol also volunteered to join a Phoenix team on a classified mission.[5]

The Nox didn't support the Phoenix Alliance and made their disapproval about the Alliance's military operation known.[6] (RPG: "Core Rulebook")


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 (RPG: "Watershed")
  2. 2.0 2.1 (RPG: "Core Rulebook") p. 184
  3. 3.0 3.1 (RPG: "Core Rulebook") p. 193
  4. (RPG: "Core Rulebook") p. 191
  5. (RPG: "Core Rulebook") p. 222
  6. (RPG: "Core Rulebook") p. 229

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Individuals HatanaHonored FatherKaileeKuleraPrime Minister of AturaSonequaCaedus StarhawkElara Tydel
Planets AturaAturen systemPhoenix planetPXY-787
Technology Aturen aircraftAturen armorAturen computerAturen naval vesselAturen plasma weaponAturen power cellAturen shipAturen scannerElio'so pasteFusion warheadMassive treeTranslatorUd'Wat incense
Terms Age of AwakeningAturen ParliamentCreedElio treeGreat HousesGreat ShameHouse of the DawnHouse of Ground and SeaHouse of LifeHouse of the StarsHouse of Steel and StoneHouse SeliniaeLeaf cuisineNoxian PacifistShameful warTulrakTulrakianUd'Wat tree
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Tok'ra AcastusAdrastosAldwinAniseAntocCordeshDelekEgeriaGarshaw of BeloteJa'nokJalenJalrowJaydinJolinar of MalkshurKananKelmaaKhonsuKorraKurserLantashMalekMapepMarteenMingalaMarnonOckerOneshPer'susPoloniusRen'alSelmakSholredSinaTa'SeemThellasThoranTok'ra ElderToliiZanufZarinZelida
Tok'ra hosts Jacob CarterSamantha CarterCharlieEilaanKevin ElliotFirnanFreyaKadonLiandraMartoufNyklosJack O'NeillBenjamin J. ReillyPriaRoshaSalemSarooshShevakSuloMacAlester St. JohnTroy StantonThinaTulennWey'larYosuf
Tok'ra outposts MeliaParvaP34-353JGhanazVorashRevannaTok'ra homeworld
Tok'ra technology Bio-sensorDisplay deviceGoa'uld BaneHologram projectorHoming beaconHUD headsetKull disruptorMemory recall deviceRadioactive Tok'ra isotopeReol chemicalRing remoteShock grenadeShort range communicatorStrength gaugeSymbiote extractorSymbiote poisonTacluchnatagamuntoronTok'ra control consoleTok'ra data crystalTok'ra force fieldTok'ra moon destabilizerTok'ra star mapping technologyTok'ra stasis podTok'ra subspace receiverTok'ra tabletTok'ra tunnelTransphase Eradication RodZa'tarc detectorZa'tarc ringZat'nik'tel