
Phoenix-5 is one of the teams of Phoenix Site.


Phoenix-5 traveled to P3X-527 prior to Phoenix-1 and found it safe. Later the planet was then bombarded from orbit, and the Halkyon escaped through the Stargate. Captain Selena Rodriguez requested that Phoenix-5 would be allowed to scout P3X-527, when it's deemed safe, to look for survivors. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

In 2003, the team was at Delta Site to protect it and General Philip Kevin Loyer, who was off-world to oversee the mission of recovering a downed Asgard science vessel. (RPG: "Perfidy")

During the time which System Lord Wepwawet's armada entered Phoenix planet's sector, Phoenix-5 returned to Phoenix Site from off-world with wounded. Bet'lo had been struck in his Symbiote pouch while protecting Thaplos. (RPG: "United")

Planets visited[]
