Parchment of Virtues

The Parchment of Virtues

The Parchment of Virtues was a scroll left by Morgan Le Fay as a guide to assist those who sought the legendary sangraal. It provided hints to complete the puzzles left by Morgan Le Fay in order to reach the chamber where the sangraal lay, and mentioned the need of five virtues, prudence, wisdom, charity, kindness, and faith. It also states that the sangraal will belong to he who speaks the name of the guardian, which is rumored to be a dragon.


The parchment prop, if translated into English, reads as follows:

Parchment of Virtues
Only those of virtue true may win the prize concealed beyond the reach of the flawed and tainted. The sangraal shall instead belong to he who speaks the guardian's name. The true man will look for prudence, wisdom, kindness, charity, and faith. Be the truest of hearts and ye shall find the answer.
The true man will look for prudence, wisdom, kindness, charity, and faith Hail Mary, full of grace. The lord is with I. Just have bigger bullet launcher than you, dig it.
Though I walk through the valley of death I shall hear no evil, ....

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