Palladium hydride

Palladium Hydride is a superconductive material. It is used in the stasis pods aboard Destiny located in the stasis hall.

When the expedition was preparing to enter stasis for three years, they discovered that the remaining eight pods needed to store the last members of the crew were damaged. Lacking the palladium necessary to perform repairs, they gated to a world which experienced frequent meteor activity to collect it. Lt. Matthew Scott, MSgt. Ronald Greer and Dr. Morrison managed to retrieve a sufficient amount of the palladium hydride and return to the ship, where it was used to repair the pods. (SGU: "Gauntlet")

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AdariteAlkalineAmmoniaArgonAsgard alloyAtomBariumBerylliumBoronCadoliinCalcium carbonateCarbonCarbon dioxideCarbon monoxideCarocevCharcoalChlorineCoalCyanideDeuteriumDiamondDieselEmeraldFodinaireGasGasolineGoldGraniteGypsumHalon gasHeavy waterHeliumHU-2340Hydrochloric acidHydrogenIodineIridiumIronKevlarLeadLimeLiquid hydrogenLiquid NaquadahLiquid nitrogenLithium hydrideMarbleMethaneNaquadahNaquadriaNethemiaNeutroniumNezanatNickelNitrogenNovus CO2 scrubber substanceOlesian oreOxygenPalladium hydridePapyrusPlutoniumPotassiumPotassium nitrateSaltSiliconSilverSteelSulfurSulfur dioxideSulfur dioxide microbeTetrachloroethyleneTitaniumTriniumUraniumWaterWoodXenon