
P6h-970 is a planet with a Stargate. A Neraida named Puck relocated the remainder of the Minos race to the planet. A few dozen Sprites that traveled with Puck also took up residence there. P6H-970 is a brown and gray world, barren and devoid of any life at first glance. The planet does possess high levels of oxygen in its atmosphere, and when the illusion of the desert is gone, the planet is revealed to be a jungle world covered in forests and groves full of purple-blue vegetation.

Indigenous animals[]

There's an indigenous animal called a Grumgiz that the Minos use as herd animals. There are predators called Vambesk that mimic voices it's heard to lure prey. There are also Baellanid, which are what Minos that are left untreated by "The Curse" turn into. (RPG: "A Matter of Fae")



Site Navigation[]

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Individuals BowjinBowjin's brotherBowjin's wifeFleuraTergenWyllin
Planets P6H-970
Technology BlowgunCrossbowHorn headdressPolearm
Terms BaellanidThe Curse
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Individuals AlvenTutz
Planets P6H-970
Technology LongswordShortbow