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The Otsorok are a species from the Otsorok homeworld and are thought to be related to the Ancients.


Their species has wings, a serpent-like tail without legs, and three-digit claws. They have various mental powers including telepathy, healing power, the ability to project images, and telekinesis to the point of being able to activate the Stargate with just their minds. Other powers included being able to sense things, like if someone was lying. The ability to break things with their mind and laser-like vision. (INF: "Us and Them")


The Otsorok originally saw other species as inferior to their own. They called those who couldn't fly naturally "rock crawlers" as an insult. Even people with devices that could make them fly (like jetpacks) still made fun of. Later on in the 2020s however, they realized their prejudice was wrong after being helped by Major Gus Bonner's team.


In the 2020s Major Gus Bonner and his team tried to warn the Otsorok that the Tlak'kahn were coming. The Otsorok believed their mental power prowess would best them and refused the help they offered.

Later on, however, when the Tlak'kahn arrived, their mental abilities proved useless against the Tlak'kahn ships. The Tlak'kahn captured some of their people. This instance finally made the Otsorok ask the humans if they could work together. With their help, they devised a plan to use the Otsorok telepathy with rocks and managed to damage the ships enough to release the Otsorok prisoners. This made the Otsorok let go of their harsh views towards the humans and see each other as the same. (INF: "Us and Them")

Known Otsorok
