
The Orbanian Naquadah reactor is a powerful energy producing unit developed by the Orbanians.


The Orbanian Naquadah generator was developed over the course of ten years by a Urrone named of Merrin. This generator was an advanced reactor unit that produced huge amounts of clean energy from a small amount of naquadah. (SG1: "Learning Curve")


In 1999 the Orbanians loaned one of their generators to the Tau'ri as they were developing their own prototype. By 2005 the Tau'ri had developed three different types of portable naquadah generators, as well as several larger ones for use on their ships. At this point they most likely surpassed the energy produced by the original Orbanian device. (SGA: "The Siege, Part 2")

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Individuals KalanMerrinSolenTominZaren
Planets Orban
Technology NaniteNaquadah reactorOrbanian nanite
Terms Orban EldersUrrone
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Power sources
Altairan power packAncient crystal power cellAncient solar power collectorsAsgard power coreAturen power cellBatteryCauldronCold fusionCold fusion reactor coreContainment chamber roomEye of ApophisEye of Ba'alEye of BalorEye of MardukEye of OsirisEye of RaEye of TiamatEyes of the Goa'uldFission generatorFusionGeneratorGeothermal energyHou Kaingan pearlKi'ai power cellAtlantis lightning rodsLiquid NaquadahAtlantis main power conduitsMain power roomMobile drilling platformNaquadah cellNaquadah generatorNaquadah reactorNaquadriaNaquadria power cellNaquadria reactor coreNeutrino-ion generatorNuclear fusion reactorOri power generatorPilation solar cellPower Booster DevicePower distribution centerProject ArcturusRepulsor-field generatorSection SevenSolar powerStargate power nodeSubspace capacitorSubterranean power gridTelnorran generatorTerra-rootTidal power generation stationWindmillWind powerZero point energyZero Point ModuleZPM HubZPM room