
Nanites are microscopic machines which can enter a person's body. They can be used for a variety of uses.

Nanites by race[]



Asuran nanites.

During the war with the Wraith, the Ancients used nanite technology in an attempt to destroy the Wraith from the inside. They gave the nanites the ability to self-replicate, and installed a code giving them an aggression surpassing that of the Wraith. To protect themselves, the Ancients installed a law into their base code that prevented them from harming anyone with the Ancient Technology Activation gene. However, the nanites instead took human form, becoming the Asurans. The Ancients eventually concluded that the Asurans would never become the weapon they wanted, and tried to destroy them. However, their efforts failed; some of the Asurans survived, and they rebuilt their civilization and attacked the Wraith soon after the Ancients retreated to the Milky Way Galaxy. The Asurans (Replicators) were later destroyed by Dr. Rodney McKay with help from the Wraith and the Travelers. (SGA: "Hot Zone", "Progeny", "Be All My Sins Remember'd")



Pelop's Nanocytes.

Seeking to learn what humans would evolve into, the Goa'uld Pelops used nanites to accelerate the human lifespan to run its course in one hundred days. On the planet Argos, Pelops confined the humans to a small area, as the nanites needed to be within reach of a device which would send out instructions to them, making them accelerate the life-cycle while the Argosians were sleeping. Colonel Jack O'Neill was infected with the nanites, causing him to age to 100 in a matter of weeks. However, after the Argosians destroyed the statue of Pelops containing the device, the nanites were destroyed by the immune systems of the humans, allowing them to age at a normal rate. (SG1: "Brief Candle")

Pelops also used these nanites to experiment with human evolution on the planet Tiryns. In contrast to the idyllic conditions the Argosians were exposed to, the Tirynsians were planted on a world with toxic conditions, which were artificially worsened every dozen years. This caused the Tirynsians to grow little food and live in a poisonous atmosphere, but through evolution they adapted. (RPG: "Fantastic Frontiers: Stargate Season One")


Nanite 1

Computer enhancement of Orbanian nanites which are colored red.

The Orbanians used nanite technology as a means of educating their people. Certain children, designated Urrone, would be selected to have their nanites removed from their body, allowing the rest of the Orbanians to learn what they had learned. However, the removal process rendered the child mentally an invalid. Attempts to reintroduce the nanites failed, and the children were taken to secure facilities where they were well cared for, but no efforts were made to re-educate them. Eventually, after learning that there was more to life than learning, the Urrone Merrin allowed her nanites to be removed, which also implanted a part of her personality onto the Orbanians, who then decided to teach other Urrone the "old fashioned way". These nanites are made from Trinium, silicon and one unknown mineral. (SG1: "Learning Curve")


When the Replicators arrived on Hala and found Reese, they hailed her as their creator, and found her nanite cells possessed certain advantages that regular Replicator blocks did not, including resistance to Tau'ri guns. The Replicators were eventually able to reverse engineer her design and create five Human-form Replicators while they were trapped in a time dilation field (where thousands of years passed from their reference compared to the rest of the universe). These Replicators could probe the minds of individuals and learn vital information. Replicator nanites require Neutronium to function. (SG1: "Unnatural Selection", "New Order, Part 1", "New Order, Part 2")

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Ancients AmaraAmara's motherAncient Med TechAtlasAurora CrewmanAurora GuardCaptain of AuroraCyla UrbanusHeliaHippaforalkusJanusJanus' assistantMorgan Le FayLilithMeliaMerlinOma DesalaOrlinChaya SarTrebalUnnamed Ancient maleVasi
Ancient outposts Antarctic outpostAsurasAthosAtlantisCamelotDaganDakaraDorandaDoranda outpostEarthHadanteHarmony's planetHeliopolisHeliopolis IIJanus' outpostJanus' research outpostLord Protector's PlanetM1M-316M7G-677PraxyonRuins of LarrisTaonasTaranisTaranis outpostVis Uban
Ancient technology Amplifier braceletAncient beam transporterAncient control panelAncient crystal power cellAtlantis Desalination TanksAncient environmental suitAncient force fieldAncient freighterAncient healing deviceAncient hologramAncient hyperdriveAncient ligature deviceAncient maintenance robotAncient pressure suitAncient remote controlAncient seismic controllerAncient sensorAncient shieldAncient shuttle pulse weaponAncient stasis podAncient time machineAtlantis underwater scannersAncient wallAnti-gravity shieldArthur's MantleAscendometerAscension machineAtlantis biological sensorsAtlantis cold protection systemsAtlantis communication systemAtlantis databaseAtlantis mechanical anchorAtlantis subspace transmitterAtlantis transporterAtlantis' shieldAttero deviceAttero device control keyAurora-class battleshipBiometric sensor arrayCall forwarding deviceCentral data coreCharybdisCity-shipCO2 scrubberContainment vesselControl chairControl interface hubCorrelative update systemDakara superweaponDalera's weaponDestinyDestiny power relayDestiny's shieldDestiny AIDestiny communication systemDestiny control consoleDestiny interface chairDestiny pulse weaponDestiny shield emitterDestiny simulation programDial Home DeviceDimension observerDNA resequencerDrone weaponExogenesis deviceFaster-Than-Light engineInvisibility deviceKinoLagrangian Point satelliteLantean control consoleLantean cruiserLantean medical scannerLantean pulse weaponLantean stun weaponLantean tabletLife signs detectorLong range sensorsLong-range communication deviceLong-range communication stoneMobile drilling platformMolecular construction deviceNaniteNanite creation machineOrbital weaponPersonal shield emitterPuddle JumperQuantum MirrorRepository of knowledgeSangraalSeed shipStardriveStargateStargate destroyerStargate shieldSword in the stoneTaranis' shieldTime loop machineTransportation ringsTumor creation deviceWormhole driveZero Point Module
Terms Ancient contagionAncient languageAncient Technology Activation geneAscension
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Asurans AngelusAsuran (Ghost in the Machine)Asuran (Reunion)Asuran (The Return)Asuran (This Mortal Coil)Asuran 1 (Progeny)Asuran 2 (Progeny)Asuran CouncilAsuran Counselor 1Asuran Counselor 2Asuran crew memberAsuran Guard 1 (The Return, Part 2)Asuran Guard 1 (This Mortal Coil)Asuran Guard 2 (The Return, Part 2)Asuran Guard 2 (This Mortal Coil)Asuran Guard 3 (This Mortal Coil)Asuran Technician (Lifeline)Asuran Technician 1 (This Mortal Coil)Asuran Technician 2 (This Mortal Coil)CetusEllen (Asuran)Friendly Replicator AndroidGreen (Asuran)Hybrid (Asuran)Jennifer Keller (Asuran)KoracenLiaEvan Lorne (Asuran)NiamOberothParker (Asuran)Replicator GodzillaRivers (Asuran)Talus (Asuran)Elizabeth WeirRadek Zelenka (Asuran)
Planets Asuran systemAsurasNiam's faction's planet
Asuran technology Ancient force fieldAncient hyperdriveAncient sensorAncient shieldAurora-class battleshipBase codeCentral data coreAsuran city-shipCloakCore driveAsuran cruiserDrone weaponLantean pulse weaponNaniteNanite creation machineOrganic AsuranAsuran pistolAsuran probeAsuran Stargate satelliteSubterranean power gridZero Point Module
Terms Digital ascensionNiam's faction
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Goa'uld AmaterasuAnkerAnnaAnubisAnubis' AshrakAnubis' Goa'uld LieutenantApophisAresAthenaBa'alBastetBelusBynarrCamulusCronusDemonEdrekhAdrian Conrad's Goa'uldKianna Cyr's Goa'uldSteven Caldwell's Goa'uldHeru'urImhotepJa'dinKaliKendra's Goa'uldKlorelMardukMolocMorriganMotNefertumNerusNirrtiNutOlokunOsirisPelopsQeteshRaRamiusRuaxSeteshSokarSvarogTanithTelchakThothTiamatTilgathWepwawetYu-huang Shang TiZipacnaZirstyr
Goa'uld queens AmaunetAnatAnubis' queenAsherahBadbCleo (Goa'uld)Cronus' QueenDanuEgeriaEphadriaGoa'uld Queen (Core Rulebook)HathorIsisMarasisMatMorgauseMorriganNutPamchadraTaweretXiwangmuZarpani
Goa'uld hosts AdriaApophis' hostAziruSteven CaldwellCanonRuslan ChernovshevAdrian ConradCrossKianna CyrSeth FargoughRichard FlemmingSarah GardnerHebronDaniel JacksonK'tanoCharles KawalskyKendraAnatole KonstantinovLiandraVala Mal DoranCharlotte MayfieldMalcolm McCaffreyRa (Human)Ruax's Unas HostSha'reFrank SimmonsSingerSkaaraSergei VallarinAlexi Vaselov
Goa'uld outposts AbydosAkkadAnubis' WorldApophis' training planetArgosArkhan's worldAsdadChodawwaChulakCo'rakDakaraDelmakDenderaDendredErebusEskalHankaHasara space stationJebannaJunaKhonsu's WorldLangaraMalkshurMedieval planetMemphisNasyaNetuNirrti's planetP2C-257P2X-338P2X-887P3X-042P3X-367P3X-584P4A-771P4S-237P5S-117P6Y-325P8X-412P8X-873PangarParavalPraxyonPX9-757Ra's planetRamius' homeworldTartarus
Goa'uld technology Al'keshAnti-gravity platformArk bombAerial Zat'nik'tel PlatformAnubis' mothershipAnubis' superweaponArchaic Tel'takBattleshipGoa'uld bodiceBreathing filtration systemCanon's ringCheops class warshipCloakCryogenic storage deviceDeath GliderDeath Glider communication systemDeath Glider propulsion systemGoa'uld control consoleGoa'uld GDOGoa'uld force fieldGoa'uld hologramGoa'uld hyperdriveGoa'uld recording deviceGoa'uld sensorGoa'uld shieldGoa'uld grenadeHa'takHand clawsHara'keshGoa'uld healing deviceGoa'uld homing deviceIncomplete Goa'uld spacecraftIntarInvisibility screenKara keshKor mak braceletKull armorLight Matrix HologramLong range visual communication deviceMa'Tok staffMask of AnubisMind probeNaniteNaquadah bombNeedle ThreaderNek'sedNirrti's deviceNirrti's instrumentNirrti's TablePage turning devicePlasma chargePlasma repeaterGoa'uld remote controlRecall deviceReconnaissance probeRing remoteRod of AnguishGoa'uld scanning deviceSarcophagusScarab miniature naquadah bombGoa'uld shield generatorShort range communicatorSolar radiation shieldStaff cannonStargate dialerStasis jarTacluchnatagamuntoronGoa'uld targeting deviceTel'takTransphase Eradication RodTransportation ringsTroopshipVo'cume projectorZat'nik'tel
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Individuals KalanMerrinSolenTominZaren
Planets Orban
Technology NaniteNaquadah reactorOrbanian nanite
Terms Orban EldersUrrone