
"Now my family are slaves and soon I will be dead... worse than dead."

Nahkti is a slave.


Background information[]

His father named him Nahkti, which means strong.

The Jaffa came for his wife and child. He tried to protect them but wasn't able to. His family became slaves, and he was caged in Sekhmet's slave camp on P3X-314 for many days since he displeased his master Khufu. (SG1: "Unleashed Ep 1", "Unleashed Ep 2")


He was still in a cage when he saw Daniel Jackson. He offered to distract the Jaffa in Daniel's path in exchange for water. When Daniel agreed he told him where the well was and asked him to hurry before he died in his cage. After drinking the water, he blessed and thanked him for saving his life. He then yelled at the Jaffa to fight him, taunting him that he wasn't scared of him or his god and that he put men in cages because was too afraid to fight them. (SG1: "Unleashed Ep 1")

Because of that, Nahkti was brought to Sekhmet's dungeons and was in a cell next to Samantha Carters. He told her his name but admitted he was actually weak and explained that he had failed his family and now he couldn't save them and that he would soon become a Shade of Sekhmet, which he said is worse than being dead.

Carter offered an Energy bar or water and asked if he had any ideas on how to escape, Nahkti told her that the last guy in her cell had been studying the cell's locking device and had wrote down what he knew.

After Carter got her cell open, Nahkti pleaded with her to open his cell door so that he could find his wife and child. (SG1: "Unleashed Ep 2")
