
"As you've been among us for some length of time, you must have seen loyalty is one of the cornerstones of our culture that has survived even the Wraith."
"I have."
"Then you must know our relationship with Colonel Sheppard and his people is cherished and they have given us no cause to abandon that relationship.
Nagasamirian Commissioner and Janus[src]

The Nagasamirians are a race of humans native to the planet Nagasamir in the Pegasus Galaxy.


The Nagasamirians had been trading partners and friends of the Atlantis expedition. They are also a member race to the Coalition of Planets.

The Nagasamirians were brought to near total extinction when Janus destroyed their home world. Only a few people who were off world trading at the planet Krophchek survived. (SGA: "Hearts & Minds 1", "Hearts & Minds 2")


The Nagasamirian elder considered loyalty one of their fundamental beliefs for their culture and as such held their friendship with the Tau'ri in high regard.

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