
Mutated locust were a type of insect that was created by Klorem. The locusts were about the size of a domesticated cat.


Klorem, an outcast Aschen, created the locust so he could send them to attack Aschen Confederation agrarian planets.

Klorem aided the Ethloninans famine problem, creating genetically modified crops. He saved them, but he did it to use their crops to feed his creations.

He also worked on a fungal formula if his creations ever got out of his control. His assistant, Dr. Jasmine Liira, only knew half of it.

Nearly two years after helping the Ethloninans, Klorem used the Stargate to release his locust upon Ethlos and they laid waste to the planet.

Three months later, Phoenix teams encountered various worlds that had been decimated by the locust. Phoenix Site was able to determine that Ethlos' Stargate address could have been the source of the outbreaks.

The Ethloninans had attached toxic pesticide canisters to their fleet of dirigibles to use against the locust swarms.

Dr. Liira worked on the fungus solution, which would grow in the locust and produce a toxin that would only kill them. However, the solution would take weeks for the locust to die. With Klorem's notes or aid from the visiting Phoenix team, she could make a more effective toxin that would kill them immediately.

If the team succeeded in creating and distributing the fungus solution, Ethos would be rid of the locusts. If the team failed, Commander Greer and her soldiers remained on Ethlos to make sure no locust escaped through the stargate as the team and a few civilians escaped. (RPG: "Ecology")



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Alien Bugs Alien tickDust bugFire locustGiant DragonflyGiant spiderInfestation flyInsect killerInterdimensional creatureIratus bugLight bugMutated locustR-75Sleep parasiteSmall energy beingTeardrop fly
Earth Bugs BeeLocustMealwormMosquitoScorpionSpiderTick