
Muta is a female Unas scout.


Background information[]

She is a member of Chaka's family unit, though it seems to be through adoption than birth.

Muta uses the Stargates to travel where Goa'uld use Unas slave labor, with the purpose to inspire the Unas to rebel or escape under their own power. If she failed to, she would inform Phoenix Site of local Goa'uld weaknesses.

She visited Phoenix Site once. She didn't like the smell of the tunnels and expressed anxiety the entire time she was there. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

Site Navigation[]

v  e
Individuals Big OneChakaKor AsekLarge UnasMutaMyrmrahOringoRaktorRr'nahRuax's Unas HostShy OneUnas (Demons)Unas 1 (Beast of Burden)Unas 1 (Enemy Mine)Unas 2 (Beast of Burden)Unas 2 (Enemy Mine)Unas Elder
Planets Burrock's WorldP3X-403P3X-888Pssk
Terms Clak bladeUnas languageUnas necklaceWarning Pyres