Michaels was one of the military personnel stationed in Icarus Base, under the command of Colonel Everett Young.
He and roughly 80 people were forced to evacuate Icarus Base during an attack against the base by three Lucian Alliance Ha'tak vessels. He ended up on the Destiny, an Ancient spaceship located several billion light years from Earth. (SGU: "Air, Part 1")
Later in 2009, he was assigned to guard the Lucian Alliance member Simeon. When Simeon realized Ginn was informing Homeworld Command on the Alliance's attack on Earth, he killed Michaels and escaped to kill Ginn. MSgt. Ronald Greer discovered his body a short time later. (SGU: "The Greater Good", "Malice")
This section requires expansion |
- M9 pistol: To be added
Other equipment[]
- Battle Dress Uniform: To be added
- Tactical vest: To be added
- Radio: To be added