
The Mayan people are a race of humans from the Milky Way galaxy, specifically Earth. They lived in Central America thousands of years ago.


Centuries ago, the Omeyocan visited Central America and influenced and developed the Mayan and Aztec cultures. (SG1: "City of the Gods", RPG: "Core Rulebook")

Chac is the Mayan God of Rain. (SG1: "Evolution, Part 1", "Evolution, Part 2")

Warning: The following section is ambiguously canon.

Centuries after his exile, the Goa'uld Mahes returned to Earth under the guise of the Mayan's God of Death, Cizin. He influenced their blood sports and games, using these trials as a form of court to settle disputes, or as a punishment for enemies. He failed to establish a new foothold on Earth, however he gained a new source of humans.[1] (Stargate Resistance)

In 1997, Hathor had been released from her Sarcophagus which was in a Mayan pyramid. (SG1: "Hathor")

Lanni believed that the statue on Madrona that held up the Touchstone was the Mayan god Itzamna. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")

