
The Maruts were Jaffa who were the most trusted servants of the System Lord Indra. These Jaffa were drawn from the native population of Prakiti. Being selected as Murat was deemed a great honor on Prakiti and families of those selected received great respect. Indra had been a distant ruler and had left the day-to-day governance of Prakiti to the Maruts.[1]

Human[2] holy warriors[3] on Prakiti also took up the mantle of Marut when Indra's Jaffa were no longer present on the planet. Within a few months of Prakiti's takeover by Vritra, these human Maruts led an insurrection and began a war. They believed that Indra would one day return from the stars and free his people.[2]

The human Marut holy warriors typically armed themselves with swords and other pointed weapons. They all received training in the use of the staff weapon and were familiar with their use in battle despite there being very few of those weapons on Prakiti. They also fought fanatically and to the death, as they believed Indra would learn of any cowardice they show in battle and would punish them when he returns in glory.[3] (RPG: "Fantastic Frontiers: Stargate Season One")


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