
Martin's descent pod was a ship that he used to escape Martin's ship.


Martin's descent pod

Martin's escape pod on Earth.

It landed in Montana, and in 2000, was destroyed by self-destruct. It can be controlled with the Ship Remote. (SG1: "Point of No Return")


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 25
    Some issues of The DVD Collection magazine are known to contain errors with respect to the dimensions they provide for spaceships. Dimensions for the same class of ship may vary between issues. The dimensions given in an issue may contradict how the ship visually appears on screen. The dimensions of two ships which appear similarly sized on screen may be given different measurements in The DVD Collection magazines. However, as the DVD Collection Magazines are officially licensed by MGM (and thus considered canon) Stargate Wiki includes them, while noting the apparent discrepancies in instances where they occur. See policy and List of spaceships by size for more information.

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Martin's people
Individuals Bob (Refugee)Martin LloydPeter TannerTed (Refugee)Unnamed Refugee
Technology Martin's descent podMartin's shipShip RemoteTransportation beam
Planets Martin's world