
"We're trying to get to the main Power Room so we can physically cut the power to the self destruct."
Evan Lorne[src]

The main power room is the location of the city's main power distribution and control systems. This room is located in middle of the Atlantis control tower at least 6 levels down from Stargate Operations. This room also houses several Naquadah generators. This room is where the main power can be switched off locally for the entire city if there is not remote access.

In 2008, during a citywide malfunction, Dr. Radek Zelenka was able to use the ventilation shafts to gain access to this room and reset the systems. (SGA: "Quarantine").

From this room, Zelenka also shut down the city's systems to try to contain the problems that would happen when the digitally ascended Asurans arrived. (SGA: "Ghost in the Machine")


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Power sources
Altairan power packAncient crystal power cellAncient solar power collectorsAsgard power coreAturen power cellBatteryCauldronCold fusionCold fusion reactor coreContainment chamber roomEye of ApophisEye of Ba'alEye of BalorEye of MardukEye of OsirisEye of RaEye of TiamatEyes of the Goa'uldFission generatorFusionGeneratorGeothermal energyHou Kaingan pearlKi'ai power cellAtlantis lightning rodsLiquid NaquadahAtlantis main power conduitsMain power roomMobile drilling platformNaquadah cellNaquadah generatorNaquadah reactorNaquadriaNaquadria power cellNaquadria reactor coreNeutrino-ion generatorNuclear fusion reactorOri power generatorPilation solar cellPower Booster DevicePower distribution centerProject ArcturusRepulsor-field generatorSection SevenSolar powerStargate power nodeSubspace capacitorSubterranean power gridTelnorran generatorTerra-rootTidal power generation stationWindmillWind powerZero point energyZero Point ModuleZPM HubZPM room