
Lotoda is a male human.


Lotoda was in his fifties in 2002, though he looked a decade older due to abuse suffered from the Goa'uld. Jaffa Councilor Ry'anne had found common ground with Lotoda given both of their peoples suffered injustice by the Goa'uld and having little reason to trust anything that can come from them.

When the town of Haven's river's water levels were dropping, Lotoda formally requested to leave Phoenix planet and return to his home planet, but Phoenix Security rejected him because he could potentially identify their location based on the night skies constellations.

He led a group consisting of humans who had been recent HOME settlers from agricultural and mining worlds that had been abused by the System Lords.

Lotoda coached a group of teens at Haven's Puaoro court. (RPG: "Watershed")


Lotoda is very superstitious. He believes Phoenix planet's meteor showers are the System Lord's striking out at their escaped slaves. (RPG: "Watershed")


  1. 1.0 1.1 (RPG: "Watershed")
  2. (RPG: "Core Rulebook") p. 186