
Lotan is a Gadmeer envoy, conceived in the Enkaran form from the Gadmeer terraformer, to peacefully negotiate the relocation of an Enkaran settlement.



The planet had been selected for terraforming before the Enkarans arrived and no further scans had been taken before the process began. Lotan did not want the destruction of the Enkarans, but informed SG-1 and the people that the terraforming process for the ship had commenced, and simply had to be finished on the world that had been designated as the new Enkaran home world for an ancient race of Goa'uld-oppressed Enkarans. At first, the Enkarans thought him to be little more than a messenger of their destruction.

However, Lotan was open to options. Consulting Dr. Daniel Jackson, he experienced the atmosphere that the Gadmeer vessel was creating, and found it to be inhospitable to his Enkaran body. He and Daniel took a walk through the Enkaran village, allowing Lotan to see all that the Gadmeer vessel would destroy.

Back aboard the ship, Lotan discovered a Naquadah generator Colonel Jack O'Neill and Major Samantha Carter rigged to detonate, in hopes of destroying the vessel. Finally convinced to halt the terraforming process when Jackson pointed out that the Gadmeer wouldn't want their legacy to be continued at the cost of another civilization, Lotan halted the procedure until an alternative could be found. Both he and Jackson, through searching the Gadmeer planetary library, were able to locate Enkara, the original Enkaran home world; it had been scanned by the ship during its travels as a potential location to rebuild the Gadmeer society, but rejected on the grounds that it was too large and was already inhabited. Destroying the bomb high in the atmosphere, Lotan and Jackson returned to the surface with an offer to take the Enkarans to their original planet in the Gadmeer ship, which would then return to complete its terraforming. The Enkaran settlement leader, Hedrazar, encouraged Lotan to remain with them. Lotan, little more than a day old, informed them that his tasks with the ship were now complete, and he would be happy to do so. (SG1: "Scorched Earth")


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Individuals CalebEliamHedrazarJonathanLotanNikkaTadaaki
Planets EnkaraP5S-381