
This individual has no known canonical name.  While the information presented is canonical, the individual described lacks an official name, thus the title is conjecture.

"Am I the only one concerned this water guy isn't properly dead?"
Jack O'Neill[src]

The Lord of Salt Waters was a Goa'uld who was a rebellious vassal of Olokun.


The Lord of Salt Waters ruled over the Oceani like a god. He governed the oceans of the planet Oceanus and all within it. He experimented to create aquatic humans.

During the time of the great drowning, where the planet's oceans rose, the people begged the Lord of Salt Waters to leave them a sliver of land. Olokun then came and told them that the Lord of Salt Waters was a demon possessing a human body. The people of Oceanus then overthrew and killed the Lord of Salt Waters and committed his body to the water.

The name of the god who was the Lord of Salt Waters was struck out from the temple that tells the god's story. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")
