
The Light of Origin[4] was the name of Adria's first Ori warship.


Commanding officers[]

Known crew[]


This section requires expansion

Major campaigns[]


Appearances for Light of Origin

In chronological order:


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 63
    The Ori warship's width is given as 850 meters by Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 63. The diameter of the first supergate (depicted in "Beachhead") is given as 400 meters in Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 59. The diameter of the second supergate (depicted in "Camelot") is given as 1609 meters in Stargate SG-1: The Complete Tenth Season DVD #1 - "The Pegasus Project" by William Waring and Jim Menard. Thus, an Ori warship would be unable to fit through the first supergate, though would easily be able to fit through the second. See here for elaboration.

    Some issues of The DVD Collection magazine are known to contain errors with respect to the dimensions they provide for spaceships. Dimensions for the same class of ship may vary between issues. The dimensions given in an issue may contradict how the ship visually appears on screen. The dimensions of two ships which appear similarly sized on screen may be given different measurements in The DVD Collection magazines. However, as the DVD Collection Magazines are officially licensed by MGM (and thus considered canon) Stargate Wiki includes them, while noting the apparent discrepancies in instances where they occur. See policy and List of spaceships by size for more information.
  2. (SG1: "Unending")
  3. 3.0 3.1 (SG1: "Counterstrike")
  4. (TCG: "Rise of the Ori")

Links and navigation[]

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Ori AdriaFlames of Enlightenment
Priors The AdministratorDamarisDociGerakDaniel JacksonPrior (Beachhead)Prior (Counterstrike)Prior (Arthur's Mantle)Prior (P3X-421)Prior 1 (The Ark of Truth)Prior 2 (The Ark of Truth)Prior 3 (The Ark of Truth)Prior (Ver Eger)Prior (Ver Isca)
Followers AdinaThe Administrator's wifeAllonHalstromJadinNursemaidOri commander (Line in the Sand)Ori Commander (The Quest)Ori soldier (The Quest, Part 1)Ori Warrior (The Ark of Truth)TominVillager (Avalon, Part 2)
Technology Adria's pendantAncient crystal power cellAraDial Home DeviceDoci's collar‏‎ • Ori armor‏‎ • Ori control console‏‎ • Ori energy beam weaponOri fighterOri force field • ‏‎Ori helmet‏‎ • Ori power generatorOri pulse weaponOri satelliteOri sensor‏‎ • Ori shield‏‎Ori staff weaponOri stun weaponOri warshipPrior staffPRIOR2 virusR-75SupergateTransportation rings
Terms Ancient contagionBook of OriginDay of ReckoningOri ArmyOriciOriginProstration
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Ori warships
Light of OriginOri warship (Camelot)Ori warship (The Pegasus Project)Ori warship 1 (Unending)Ori warship 2 (Unending)Ori warship 3 (Unending)