Li'tel was a female Jaffa from Chulak. She was married to Sebe't, a warrior in service to Apophis. Before they were married, Teal'c of Chulak once remarked to Sebe't that he believed Li'tel to be "fickle," and that Sebe't should be cautious with his affections.
Later, some time after Teal'c had become First Prime to Apophis, and while Sebe't was fighting off-world in a war, Li'tel was taken as a concubine by Apophis. He was dissatisfied with her, and quickly rejected her. Filled with shame, she decided to commit suicide by jumping from a bridge over a river. As she stood on the edge of the bridge, weeping and watching the sunset, Teal'c found her and attempted to convince her to climb down, and witnessed her death when she jumped despite his efforts.
Afterward, Apophis decreed Teal'c could never tell what had witness, so the truth would not damage Sebe't's loyalty to his god. Sebe't was told Li'tel's fall from the bridge was an accident, only learning the truth years later, during a confrontation with Teal'c. (SG1: "First Prime")