
Leon Hart is a Captain, who is the leader of Phoenix-4.


Background information[]

Leon was born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. He graduated with honours from the Royal Military College of Canada with a psychology degree before becoming a member of the Canadian Special Forces. Eventually, with the recommendation of his superiors, Leon was chosen to become one of the few Canadians on loan to a top-secret program run by the United States Air Force, Stargate Command. Upon the formation of the Phoenix Program, he specifically requested transfer due to his strong desire to work closer with Earth's allies and foster a coalition able to take direct action to save the lives of the galaxy's vulnerable.


In August 2002, Leon was made the leader of Phoenix-4.

Since taking command of Phoenix-4, he has worked with several different cultures to make sure they are prepared in the event the Goa'uld attack. Most of his downtime is spent alongside the H.O.M.E Initiative to offer tactical training to refugees or at-risk planets. His calm demeanor and friendly disposition effortlessly set those around him at ease.


Following Phoenix-1's capture by Wepwawet, Senator Kinsey refused to allow a rescue operation on the grounds that they were probably already dead. Being a Canadian citizen, and therefore not technically beholden to an American Senator, Captain Hart responded with a "mean right hook" before voluntarily retiring to the brig. (RPG: "Prey")

Shortly after the crash of an Asgard science vessel, Captain Hart and the rest of Phoenix-4 were assigned to protect the site as well as General Loyer who had travelled off world to supervise. Despite the indifference of Captain Powierski, Captain Hart insists that the base should be referred to as Thunderbird. In his mind, this is fitting due to the nature of the Asgard ship and the mythical bird naming convention already established by Phoenix Site. (RPG: "Perfidy")




  • While he has yet to have the opportunity to use it, Captain Hart has suggested a plan to fire the base's mounted machine guns through an outgoing wormhole to defeat attackers in the event a team is being pursued on their way back to the Stargate before they dial out. He calls this plan a "Hart Attack".

Behind the scenes[]


Links and navigation[]

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Phoenix-4 members Leon HartKi'yomiCouran MeeraNiamhElara Tydel