The Langaran Civil War was a civil war between the nations of Langara resulting from a decades-long cold war.
The cold war was prompted by grievances going back generations. The last major conflict between the nations was in 1982, but nothing was resolved. Generally, the Andari Federation and Tirania Confederacy hated each other more than they did the Kelownans. (SG1: "Shadow Play")
By 2002, tensions had been rising between the three nations for some time with with Kelowna at a technological disadvantage.
In 2002, when SG-1 arrived, Kelowna was working on building a naquadria bomb to use against their enemies despite warnings that using such a weapon would only make things much worse. Following an accident that resulted in the deaths of the scientists working on the naquadria bomb and ultimately Dr. Daniel Jackson, the Kelownan government was pleased to learn of the destructive potential of the device, though Jonas Quinn believed that they didn't want a destructive war but just saw no other way. (SG1: "Meridian")
When SG-1 returned to Kelowna months later to begin trade negotiations, Tirania and Andari had signed a non-aggression pact and the Kelownans began preparing for war, particularly when Earth refused to provide them with military technologies. Facing the danger of annihilation, the Kelownans warned that they would need to use their naquadriah bomb if war actually occurred. (SG1: "Shadow Play")
Eventually, war did erupt between the three nations, possibly soon after SG-1's departure. The Tiranians and Andari began air strikes against Kelowna, causing them to move the planet's Stargate to a secret bunker on the outskirts of the capital city and the artifacts from the museum to a warehouse.
Outmanned and outgunned, the Kelownans resorted to using their naquadriah bomb on their enemies. The devastation was beyond anything anyone could have ever imagined and the Kelownans immediately regretted using the weapon. However, the bombing succeeded in bringing the three sides back to the negotiating table. (SG1: "Shadow Play", "Homecoming")
Representatives from the Tirania Confederacy and Andari Federation had just arrived in Kelowna for peace talks when the Goa'uld System Lord Anubis attacked the planet in search of naquadriah. On the insistence of SG-1, the Kelownans revealed the existence of the Stargate to the other nations, though lingering grievances caused troubles in the effort to fight against Anubis. After the battle, the three nations agreed to form a Joint Ruling Council with Jonas Quinn representing Kelowna. (SG1: "Homecoming")
Months later, the planet had been named Langara as it was from a common language shared by the three nations. However, they still had a great deal of tension, causing a great deal of difficulty when the SGC attempted to help the Langarans possibly relocate when the planet was faced with complete destruction. After a fed up Colonel Jack O'Neill cut off Earth's help, the nations became more cooperative with each other after the crisis was ended. (SG1: "Fallout")
- Stargate SG-1
- Season 7
- "Homecoming" (Mentioned)
- Season 7