
Lana Jones, also known as Lana Ewart, was a botanist and the wife of Arbella's President Gunnison Jones in an alternate timeline.


Alternate timeline[]

Several years prior to 2098, Lana Ewart was a botanist on one of the teams that was sent off-world to look for ways to diversify the Arbellan's food supply and nutritional density. Lana's team was taken by the Wraith. After her disappearance, her husband was opposed to off-world exploration. In 2098, SG-1 offered to help find her in the hope that it would persuade the President to help Earth. The wraith Sting helped them find Lana in a laboratory on Earth owned by the Wraith queen Shadow. They managed to rescue Lana from the Wraith. However, Agent Karin Yuma killed her with a shot to the side of the head. (SG1: "Exile", "Insurrection")
