
"I trust him completely, as Lan'gan's information has always proven reliable."

Lan'gan was a Jaffa, who was as a double agent and contact for the Tok'ra Zelida.


Background information[]

Lan'gan was a double agent in the service of the low level System Lord Nephthys.


When the Parvans rose up against Nephthys and defaced her symbols, she ordered the execution of all the souk vendors. Lan'gan joined the rebellion and turned his staff weapon on his brethren. He also saved Ofeh's life.

Lan'gan was the contact and double agent for the Tok'ra Zelida. He assured her all those loyal to Nephthys was driven from the planet Parva and informed her that Nephthys never found the abandoned Tok'ra base.

He had inquired Nagbe about her services as he wanted to search for the abandoned base in the desert. He was overheard by an Ashrak that Nephthys sent to the planet to wreak vengeance on her enemies. The Ashrak followed him into the desert. After Lan'gan got lost, the Ashrak determined he had little value and killed him with a precision slice from behind. (RPG: "Field of Reeds")
