
Laketown was a settlement on the planet Arbella that existed in an alternate timeline.

Alternate timeline[]

In the year 2000, in a timeline where the Tau'ri's allies abandoned them due to Harold Maybourne and the Rogue NID stealing from them, Earth was no longer a part of the Protected Planets Treaty and was devastated by Apophis's forces, some fled to the planet Arbella. They survived and benefited from the stored technology there, such as medical technologies, and a shield across the Stargate which kept them safe from the Goa'uld and Wraith.[1]

Laketown was the first settlement the refugees created.[1]

By 2098, Laketown had remained the largest of their settlements. Most buildings had a kind of adobe construction and were organized in neat rows. Technology was used almost everywhere. Some of it was Goauld and Asgard and there was others.[1] (SG1: "Exile")


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 (SG1: "Exile")