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Kulera is a female Aturen, who serves as a field medic on the team Phoenix-1.


Background information[]

Kulera was born to a devout Tulrakian home. Her parents were dedicated worshipers of The Great Tulrak who once saved her planet when all hope seemed lost. From her youth, she threw herself into her studies under the Nox, learning from them as Tulrak before. During her time as a student of the Nox, she was indoctrinated into some of their ancient practices.

In Gratitude of the Nox, her people adopted their culture and style. For this reason, she styled her hair in Nox fashion as well as focused on training in the healing arts. For years she lived an austere life. She took little but knowledge for herself and always sought to share what she learned with a gentle healing hand.

After she finished her training, she undertook a pilgrimage of enlightenment, hoping to bring healing to those who are in need beyond her community. In her travels she found herself aiding a team from the SGC. Seeing in them a cause worthy of The Great Tulrak and a chance to further her pilgrimage, she joined the team.[3]

Colonel Jack O'Neill recommended her for Phoenix-1 due to both her talent as a skilled field medic, who he saw perform surgery in the middle of a combat zone in order to save the life of a fallen soldier despite the amount of fire she was under, and her perspective on looking for a better way. (RPG: "Core Rulebook")


In August 2002[4], she was put on Phoenix-1.[2]


Kulera has rarely kept her opinions to herself and is likely to question orders she is given if they run the risk of collateral damage[1] and would rather die than give up on a patient, even under heavy fire.[5] As a pacifist, Kulera prefers to stun her opponents rather than kill them.[1]

Kulera enjoyed her missions more than most, viewing SG Phoenix as an opportunity to explore other worlds and further her medical and cultural knowledge.[3]

Powers and abilities[]

  • Invisibility: Kulera can use advanced mental techniques honed by years of pacifism to hide herself from view.[3]
  • Ritual of Life: She can lead a ritual to bring the dead back to life.[3]



Other equipment[]


Appearances for Kulera


Links and navigation[]

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Individuals HatanaHonored FatherKaileeKuleraPrime Minister of AturaSonequaCaedus StarhawkElara Tydel
Planets AturaAturen systemPhoenix planetPXY-787
Technology Aturen aircraftAturen armorAturen computerAturen naval vesselAturen plasma weaponAturen power cellAturen shipAturen scannerElio'so pasteFusion warheadMassive treeTranslatorUd'Wat incense
Terms Age of AwakeningAturen ParliamentCreedElio treeGreat HousesGreat ShameHouse of the DawnHouse of Ground and SeaHouse of LifeHouse of the StarsHouse of Steel and StoneHouse SeliniaeLeaf cuisineNoxian PacifistShameful warTulrakTulrakianUd'Wat tree
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Current members A'tirBervellBythalKuleraLanniMasteOringoSelena Rodriguez