- "Just once, can we go to a place that's at least approaching a 20th century civilization?"
- ―Dr. Rodney McKay[src]
Krophchek is a planet in the Pegasus Galaxy, and is home to the Krophchek people.
In 2009, the Nagasamirian Trade Minister and several other Nagasamirians went to Krophchek on a trading mission. They ending up being unable to return home after their planet Nagasamir was destroyed by Janus. An inn keeper gave the Nagasamirian's shelter and sustenance while they grieved at the bar.
When the Atlantis expedition tried to figure out what had happened to the planet Nagasamir, Teyla Emmagan suggested that they travel to Krophchek, as she knew the Krophchek people were close trading partners with the Nagasamirians, so they might know more of what transpired.
When the Daedalus arrived, Teyla found the remaining Nagasamirians and spoke to the inn keeper aiding them, while Dr. Rodney McKay checked out the planet's food. After finding the Trade Minister, who had witnessed what had transpired between Janus and the Nagasamirian Commissioner right before the planet's explosion, Colonel Sheppard asked him to come with them to plead his case to the Coalition of Planets Council. (SGA: "Hearts & Minds 2")
As they left the planet, the Daedalus was immediately ambushed near the planet Endiku by an Unknown Alien ship and a fleet of fighters. (SGA: "Hearts & Minds 2", "Hearts & Minds 3")