
Kraken is a massive photosynthetic moving plant that lives in the oceans on the planet Aegis. They are primary responsibility Aegis' breathable oxygen. Although Krakens are harmless for humans, it entered into mythos for the Aegisians, who thought they were giant tentacle sea monsters who was interested in every shadow that moves across the water's surface.[1]

Krakens could probably inadvertently wreck any ship that came near them, if the Spartans built any, which they don't.[1] (RPG: "Living Gods: Stargate System Lords")


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Alien Vegetation Alien begoniaAlien pumpkinAlien sweet potatoAlien tomatoApple-peachArdulla treeBioluminescent mushroomBorous fruitBorous treeCalabashEden flowerElio treeEnchuri plantEurondan yeastFerassin rootGuangoHallucinogenic plantKassaKelmina rootKiwi-like fruitKrakenLonganLucius' herbMassive treeMoodshroomNovus bushOa-voa treePhoenix planet shrubPlant of P6J-908Plant Predator berryPurple fruitRambutanRed berryRodneyana villosaSeefa plantSyntherootTavaTerra-rootUd'Wat treeWilliamsonia sewardiana
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