Kotah's energy source was a power source that was used to keep the Ancient's giant Android guardian Kotah powered.
The energy source appears as a silver-gray, saucer-shaped device, with a circle on top. The size is small enough to be held in one hand.

Kotah's energy source embedded in the android's heel.
The energy device kept Kotah protecting the Ancient Treasure planet for thousands of years.
At some point, while searching the Ancient temple vaults, Dr. Daniel Jackson found and translated Ancient writings that informed him of Kotah's power source and its location. When the android began his attack the next day, Daniel removed the device from Kotah's heel, which deactivated the android and his sword.
Treasure hunter Dian held Dr. Jackson at gunpoint for the device, as she wanted it for her people. Jackson handed her the power source, but right after Vala Mal Doran stunned her. Afterward, she was forced to go back to her planet empty-handed. (Stargate: "Daniel Jackson 4")