
The title of this article is conjectural. While the information presented in this article is canonical, the article subject lacks an official name, thus the title is a conjecture.

The Khlem civil war was a brief civil war that occurred on the planet Khlem between the Jaffa who wanted freedom from Bastet and those that still supported her.


Khlem wasn't one of Bastet's primary worlds and she hadn't visited in hundreds of years. Her absence allowed the population to question the validity of their god. This revelation came to a head when SG-1 appeared on Khlem and sparked a brief civil war.[1]

The victors formally announced Khlem was free of the false god Bastet. Despite this, secret pockets of Bastet loyalists remained.[1] (RPG: "Catastrophe")


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 (RPG: "Catastrophe") p. 5
  2. (RPG: "Catastrophe") p. 4

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