
Kendra was a Jebannan female and a former Goa'uld host.


Background information[]

Born and raised in a Temple on Jebanna, Kendra was taken by the System Lord Marduk to serve as a host for one of his underlings. Her training in the Temple allowed her some influence over her symbiote, and convinced it to go to Cimmeria. Taken by Thor's Hammer, she convinced it to go to the Hall of Mjolnir, where it killed her symbiote. Grateful to Thor for placing the hammer there, Kendra remained on Cimmeria. She helped heal people with a Goa'uld healing device that she retained along with a kara kesh from her time as a Goa'uld host. As a former host, she possessed the ability to use the technology, but it took her years to master it. (SG1: "Thor's Hammer")


When SG-1 went to Cimmeria, Colonel Jack O'Neill and Teal'c became trapped in the Labyrinth. Dr. Daniel Jackson and Captain Samantha Carter sought Kendra's help. Though reluctant to help a Jaffa and revisit the Labyrinth, she helped guide them there, where Teal'c was freed when Daniel fired Teal'c's staff weapon at the Hammer. (SG1: "Thor's Hammer")


Later, when Heru'ur arrived to take Cimmeria by force, Kendra realized the threat, and urged Gairwyn to send the Sagan Institute Box to Midgard (Earth). Kendra was eventually killed by Heru'ur's Horus Guards. Her kara kesh and Goa'uld healing device were taken to Earth after Captain Samantha Carter discovered she possessed the ability to use them as she was briefly a host to the Tok'ra Jolinar of Malkshur (since for all their ideological differences, Tok'ra and Goa'uld symbiotes are physiologically the same species). (SG1: "Thor's Chariot")


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Other equipment[]



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Individuals GairwynGairwyn's husbandKendraOlaf
Planets Cimmeria
Terminology Test of Worthiness
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Goa'uld AmaterasuAnkerAnnaAnubisAnubis' AshrakAnubis' Goa'uld LieutenantApophisAresAthenaBa'alBastetBelusBynarrCamulusCronusDemonEdrekhAdrian Conrad's Goa'uldKianna Cyr's Goa'uldSteven Caldwell's Goa'uldHeru'urImhotepJa'dinKaliKendra's Goa'uldKlorelMardukMolocMorriganMotNefertumNerusNirrtiNutOlokunOsirisPelopsQeteshRaRamiusRuaxSeteshSokarSvarogTanithTelchakThothTiamatTilgathWepwawetYu-huang Shang TiZipacnaZirstyr
Goa'uld queens AmaunetAnatAnubis' queenAsherahBadbCleo (Goa'uld)Cronus' QueenDanuEgeriaEphadriaGoa'uld Queen (Core Rulebook)HathorIsisMarasisMatMorgauseMorriganNutPamchadraTaweretXiwangmuZarpani
Goa'uld hosts AdriaApophis' hostAziruSteven CaldwellCanonRuslan ChernovshevAdrian ConradCrossKianna CyrSeth FargoughRichard FlemmingSarah GardnerHebronDaniel JacksonK'tanoCharles KawalskyKendraAnatole KonstantinovLiandraVala Mal DoranCharlotte MayfieldMalcolm McCaffreyRa (Human)Ruax's Unas HostSha'reFrank SimmonsSingerSkaaraSergei VallarinAlexi Vaselov
Goa'uld outposts AbydosAkkadAnubis' WorldApophis' training planetArgosArkhan's worldAsdadChodawwaChulakCo'rakDakaraDelmakDenderaDendredErebusEskalHankaHasara space stationJebannaJunaKhonsu's WorldLangaraMalkshurMedieval planetMemphisNasyaNetuNirrti's planetP2C-257P2X-338P2X-887P3X-042P3X-367P3X-584P4A-771P4S-237P5S-117P6Y-325P8X-412P8X-873PangarParavalPraxyonPX9-757Ra's planetRamius' homeworldTartarus
Goa'uld technology Al'keshAnti-gravity platformArk bombAerial Zat'nik'tel PlatformAnubis' mothershipAnubis' superweaponArchaic Tel'takBattleshipGoa'uld bodiceBreathing filtration systemCanon's ringCheops class warshipCloakCryogenic storage deviceDeath GliderDeath Glider communication systemDeath Glider propulsion systemGoa'uld control consoleGoa'uld GDOGoa'uld force fieldGoa'uld hologramGoa'uld hyperdriveGoa'uld recording deviceGoa'uld sensorGoa'uld shieldGoa'uld grenadeHa'takHara'keshGoa'uld healing deviceGoa'uld homing deviceIncomplete Goa'uld spacecraftIntarInvisibility screenKara keshKor mak braceletKull armorLight Matrix HologramLong range visual communication deviceMa'Tok staffMask of AnubisMind probeNaniteNaquadah bombNeedle ThreaderNirrti's deviceNirrti's instrumentNirrti's TablePage turning devicePlasma chargePlasma repeaterGoa'uld remote controlRecall deviceReconnaissance probeRing remoteRod of AnguishGoa'uld scanning deviceSarcophagusScarab miniature naquadah bombGoa'uld shield generatorShort range communicatorSolar radiation shieldStaff cannonStargate dialerStasis jarTacluchnatagamuntoronGoa'uld targeting deviceTel'takTransphase Eradication RodTransportation ringsTroopshipVo'cume projectorZat'nik'tel