
The Kelowna Union was Langara's first major government which united all people under one body. The Union lasted for about four decades. It fell several centuries ago due to a difference in philosophy around the disposition of the "genetically impure", which caused a great rift in the populace and split the Union into three fractured governments; the Kelowna Hierarchy, the Andari Federation, and the Tirania Confederacy.

Some 500 years ago, the Andari were the first group of city-states to split from the Kelowna Union. Which was due to the Union's genetic practices and Kelowna's persecution of the impure.

The Tirania Confederacy's nation was founded by migrants who were originally shunned by the Kelowna Union government. (RPG: "Roleplaying Game")

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Langarans HalpernLangaran CaptainLangaran CaptainLangaran SoldierOvirdaWorker (Seizure)
Kelownans Kianna CyrDreylockHaleKelownan AideKelownan Resistance LeaderKelownan ScientistKelownan SoldierKieranLanniTomis LeedJonas QuinnSilasValis
Tiranians Vin EremalSevaarin
Andari NoorLucia Tarthus
Planets Langara
Terms Andari FederationKelownan Defense CouncilKelownan HierarchyKelowna UnionTirania Confederacy
Technology Deep Underground Excavation VehicleKelownan radiation suitLangaran assault rifleLangaran defense array •‏‎ Langaran pistol •‏‎ Langaran Stargate facilityKelownan Naquadria bomb