
Keb is a male human from Novus colony.


Background information[]

He owned a small shop in the city of Terminus, which he was forced to abandon when a Berzerker drone assaulted the planet. It is unknown if he managed to escape with the population through the Stargate, or if he was killed during the attacks. (SGU: "Blockade")

Behind the scenes[]

  • Keb or Geb is the Egyptian Earth god, and consort of the sky goddess Nut.

Site Navigation[]

v  e
Individuals AbigaleBettyDale GreerEllieJasonKebLandonMorganRoyAlan Scott's childAlan ScottClaire ScottEli Wallace's sonMatthew WallaceYaozuYaozu's fatherSara YoungSteven Young
Planets NovusNovus colony (Common Descent)Novus colony (Blockade)Novus colony (Epilogue)
Technology Novus CO2 scrubber substanceEvacuation shipNovus fallout bunkerNovus computerNovus elevatorNovus radioTenaran archiveTenaran databank
Terms KontinuumNovus constitutionNovus EnglishNovus expeditionTerminus Tymes