
Agent Karin Yuma is the CMF's Head of Intelligence in an an alternate timeline.


Unlike other members of the CMF such as General Roz Bailey, Yuma dedicates her life to maintaining the status quo on Arbella, going so far as to manipulate President Gunnison Jones in order to keep him from reopening the Stargate to help out against the Wraith on Earth.

When SG-1 arrives on Arbella in 2098, Yuma is openly suspicious of them and does her best to keep Jones from trusting and helping the team. Yuma attempts to set up and record a bar brawl in an effort to discredit SG-1, but the team notices her actions and stays out of the fight. As they leave, Dr. Daniel Jackson pretends to be clumsy and purposefully knocks into Yuma, sending her camera flying which Major Samantha Carter then destroys. Returning the broken camera to Yuma, Carter subtly threatens her, stating that Yuma should leave before something else gets broken.

Later, when SG-1 agrees to undertake a mission to rescue Lana Jones in order to gain access to the Stargate, Yuma attempts to convince President Jones not to allow it without any success. (SG1: "Exile")

Following SG-1's departure, Yuma reveals to Jones and Bailey that the team were researching solar flares, intending to change the past and erase the current timeline from existence. This successfully stirs up mistrust against SG-1 in the CMF. When SG-1 returns from their mission, having successfully rescued Lana, Yuma swoops in to imprison the team and cover up Lana's rescue. However, when Daniel and Teal'c escape, she murders Lana in front of them, much to their horror and that of her second-in-command Officer Jed Hayden. Yuma snaps at Daniel, explaining that she had already achieved what she wanted before SG-1 arrived: Arbella was peaceful and it worked due to people like her making the "small adjustments" that people like Yuma made to keep things running. As Yuma insists that she won't let anything tear down what she has built, Daniel recognizes that Yuma is another Harold Maybourne, grasping at opportunity, trying to steal what she doesn't deserve and not caring who pays the price. This proves to be too much for Hayden who turns on Yuma, attempting to arrest her and then holding Yuma off as Daniel and Teal'c escape.

After escaping, Daniel and Teal'c inform Bailey of Yuma's actions and Daniel insists on telling President Jones about his wife's murder despite the danger that approaching the President will put him in. Daniel and Bailey explain Yuma's actions to Jones, telling him that Yuma was desperate to keep him from opening the Stargate again and helping Earth. As they argue, Hayden arrives with the news that Yuma has escaped and he confirms Yuma's actions to the devastated President. The truth about the events soon spreads, causing chaos while Yuma remains on the loose.

Later, as the Arbellan forces make their way to the Stargate to help out on Earth, they find the body of David Frey murdered near the narrow bridge leading to the Stargate facility. An armed Yuma emerges from the facility and Jones demands an answer for her actions. While there are more than enough troops to overpower her, the narrow walkway makes a bottleneck upon which she could do a lot of damage before being taken down. Yuma claims that her murder of Lana was simply her doing what needed to be done as Lana had lost her mind and she couldn't afford for Lana to be used to make Jones emotionally compromised. As Bailey promises that they won't allow Yuma to escape, Yuma, having lost her mind, declares that the President has been compromised and she's taking control in a coup. As Yuma turns her gun on Jones, Bailey shoots her in the chest. Yuma looks at the wound, appearing almost angry as if enraged that a bullet would dare to pierce her. Yuma then stumbles backwards and falls off of the walkway to her death despite Teal'c's attempt to catch Yuma, not even screaming as she falls. (SG1: "Insurrection")
