
Jamus' people-Wraith war was a war between Jamus' people and the Wraith.



Suffering from repeated Wraith cullings for thousands of years, Jamus' people came up with a desperate plan where they would save around two thousand of their people while making the Wraith believe they were extinct and would thus never return. To this end, five generations of Jamus' people worked on hollowing out a moon and turning it into a moon base capable of acting as an ark for their people. Jamus' people were able to get their hands of a Wraith beaming device, presumably from a crashed Wraith Dart and reverse-engineer it into two pattern storage modules that could each hold around a thousand people. The engineers were also able to modify the devices to hold the patterns indefinitely without degradation, something the Wraith version lacked. (SGA: "The Ark")


Eventually, after completing the moon base, a Wraith scouting force came through the planet's Spacegate and Jamus' people put their plan into place. Around a thousand people, including some of their best scientists, Barnam and Torral, Hadon Fortum, their greatest poet, and 200 children were beamed into a pattern storage module that was carried on a shuttle to the moon base by Herick. However, after Herick left, the secret about the moon base was out and there was rioting, preventing a last group from reaching the second shuttle. As several of the planet's leaders were in the second group, Jamus delayed the launch for a day, but when the Wraith arrived during that time, he was forced to order his people to destroy the shuttle to keep the secret of their plans.

With a thousand of their people safe, Jamus' people began a losing war against the Wraith. Every Wraith ship that landed on the planet was hit with nuclear warheads, destroying the ships but irradiating the planet. Eventually, the radioactive cloud spread across the planet, rendering it uninhabitable and killing everyone the Wraith didn't. Believing that Jamus' people were wiped out, the Wraith left the planet never to return as was intended by the people's actions.

While it was intended that once the Wraith were gone Jamus' people would be rematerialized, the computer systems of the moon base locked up and no one was awoken as a result. (SGA: "The Ark")


An unknown number of centuries later, the moon base was rediscovered by the Atlantis expedition. By this time, the planet was once more habitable but only contained plant life and ruins. After Dr. Rodney McKay repaired the moon base's computer system, Herick was rematerialized and released Jamus, who informed him that only one shuttle had made it to the base with his wife and son dying on the other. Despite Herick trying to take the base and thus his people with him in his subsequent suicide, Lt. Colonel John Sheppard was able to take the pattern storage module to the planet's surface on the shuttle before the moon base was destroyed, saving what was left of Jamus' people. The Atlantis expedition was able to restore the surviving members of Jamus' people who only suffered minor memory loss from their time in the pattern storage module and helped them resettle their world. (SGA: "The Ark")


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Jamus' people
Individuals BarnamHadon FortumHerickHerick's sonHerick's wifeJamusTorral
Technology Moon basePattern storage moduleShuttle
Planets Jamus' homeworld
Planets Jamus' people-Wraith war
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Alteran divisionAsgard-Goa'uld warAsgard-Replicator warAsuran-Tau'ri-Wraith warBedrosian-Optrican warCold WarEurondan-Breeder warFirst Wraith-Asuran WarGoa'uld insurgencyGreat EnlightenmentGulf WarJaffa RebellionJamus' people-Wraith warKhlem civil warLangaran Civil WarLangaran Cold WarLantean-Wraith warMichael's crusadeOperation Allied ForceOperation Enduring FreedomOperation Proven ForceOr'naxt campaignPeople of Novus-Drone conflictRand-Caledonian warRogue NID investigationRoman-Saracen warShameful warTau'ri-Aschen warTau'ri-Drone warTau'ri-Genii conflictTau'ri-Goa'uld warTau'ri-Lucian Alliance warTau'ri-Nakai warTau'ri-Wraith warTok'ra insurgencyUrsini-Drone warVanir-Wraith warVietnam WarWorld War IWorld War IIWraith civil war