File:Normal sg1 914 2114.jpg

Jaffa preparing for battle.

The Jaffa army are the warriors of the Goa'uld.

Despite the high technology that the Goa'uld possess, it's the Jaffa warrior that is their most abundant weapon. Every major Goa'uld has legions of loyal Jaffa serving at their command. Having been raised from birth to serve the Goa'uld, the Jaffa are intensely loyal warriors who are happy to die for their god. The average size of a System Lord's army is approximately 250,000 Jaffa, with larger System Lords possessing more Jaffa.[1] Lord Yu the ancient System Lord had an army of over a million Jaffa warriors.[2]

Warriors that are distributed among their holdings, and therefore are rarely together at once. When the Jaffa are not in a battle, they maintain the peace on their god's worlds or are training for the next time they get an opportunity to die for their god.[3]

System Lords will often pit Jaffa army against Jaffa army to entertain themselves. Even though many worlds can be taken and held without such large forces, System Lords are delighted by the bloodshed the Jaffa spill in their name. Therefore the numerous pointless battles fought between their Jaffa armies. Among the System Lords, the success or victory of one's army is a matter of pride. Sometimes entire worlds have been wagered on the outcome of battles, with victory measured by the largest army that the System Lord's army can defeat.[4]

Even when the Jaffa are victorious, they find no solace, as their gods are harsh masters. The only recognition a Jaffa receives is promotion to a higher rank, to lead his battalion of Jaffa into the next battle. Many Jaffa strive for the glory of being made the First Prime, though few live to get the opportunity. Staff weapons are the primary weapons of the Jaffa armies, to almost the exclusion of any other weapon. They charge headlong into battle, with their god's name on their lips. Jaffa give their foes no quarter and expect to receive none in return. Any Jaffa who falls in battle, lies where he lays, fallen warriors that failed their gods.[5]


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