
"Well, I know you don't get off the base much except for official business, so I thought I'd take you somewhere nice."
Daniel Jackson talking to Vala Mal Doran[src]

Il Fiore Bianco (meaning 'the white flower') is an elegant Italian dining establishment in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The featured martinis have included the chocolate, the passion fruit and the shochu plum. The restaurant offers payphone services near the bathrooms.


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As a thank-you for working toward integrating herself into Stargate Command, Dr. Daniel Jackson took Vala Mal Doran out to dinner at Il Fiore Bianco in 2006.

While going to the bathroom, Vala was abducted by members of the Trust who were working for the Goa'uld, Athena who sought the repressed memories of the Clava Thessara Infinitas. (SG1: "Memento Mori")
