
I Love Lucy was a highly popular TV series shown on Earth.

After recovering from becoming one of The Touched in 1997, Colonel Jack O'Neill used the famous line from the show, "Lucy, I'm Home". (SG1: "The Broca Divide")

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Television series
Abbott and CostelloAdam-12ALFBarney MillerBatmanCaptain MarvelDancing with the StarsThe Dukes of HazzardERFarscapeThe FugitiveFuturamaGilligan's IslandHappy DaysHardy BoysThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the GalaxyI Love LucyJeopardy!Kung FuLet's Make a DealThe Love BoatMacGyverOne Life to LiveThe Outer LimitsPoochinskyPunk'dThe Rocky and Bullwinkle ShowSaturday Night LiveScooby-DooSeinfeldSesame StreetThe SimpsonsThe Six Million Dollar ManSouth ParkSpeed RacerStar TrekStarsky and HutchSurvivorThe Three StoogesThe Twilight ZoneWormhole X-Treme!The X-FilesXena