
Hou Kaingan pearl is a typical precious stone from a Hou Kaingan oyster, comprising a three-inch glossy black sphere. Radioactive decay makes these pearls slightly warm to the touch. They have a hardness of 6.

When the oysters secrete the layers of materials that make up the pearls, they concentrate the naquadah in their environment in a unique crystalline structure.

On the terrestrial market (also saturated with cultural gems) such a sample would fetch at least several thousand dollars. However, the potential energy stored in these beads is by no means insignificant. The problem is getting it out safely. If destroyed, the pearl explodes with the force of a Fragmentation grenade, with a five-foot blast increment. (RPG: "First Steps: The Stargate Unexplored Worlds Roleplaying Sourcebook")

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Hou Kaingan
Planets Hou KaingaHou Kainga's moon
Technology Hou Kaingan boat
Terms Hou Kaingan oysterHou Kaingan pearl
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Power sources
Altairan power packAncient crystal power cellAncient solar power collectorsAsgard power coreAturen power cellBatteryCauldronCold fusionCold fusion reactor coreContainment chamber roomEye of ApophisEye of Ba'alEye of BalorEye of MardukEye of OsirisEye of RaEye of TiamatEyes of the Goa'uldFission generatorFusionGeneratorGeothermal energyHou Kaingan pearlKi'ai power cellAtlantis lightning rodsLiquid NaquadahAtlantis main power conduitsMain power roomMobile drilling platformNaquadah cellNaquadah generatorNaquadah reactorNaquadriaNaquadria power cellNaquadria reactor coreNeutrino-ion generatorNuclear fusion reactorOri power generatorPilation solar cellPower Booster DevicePower distribution centerProject ArcturusRepulsor-field generatorSection SevenSolar powerStargate power nodeSubspace capacitorSubterranean power gridTelnorran generatorTerra-rootTidal power generation stationWindmillWind powerZero point energyZero Point ModuleZPM HubZPM room