The Holy mountain is a mountain on the planet Alava, located above the town of Herri. The Goa'uld Mari and her Jaffa lived underneath the mountain in Mari's cave.
The holy mountain is heavily wooded. There was a trail from the foot of the mountain that led to the entrance to Mari's cave at the top of the holy mountain that Alavans used. Since Mari only wanted the most devout Alavans to disturb her solitude, the trail was difficult to travel. It had sharp turns, and the path widened and narrowed regularly.
The reclusive Goa'uld Mari lived under the mountain in a cave. Her Jaffa also lived their lives underneath the mountain and they were malnourished and ill from the lack of sunshine and had blue glowing mouths. They would eat blue Bioluminescent mushrooms that grew from the cave walls.
Palben lured wild piebald mountain horses from the mountain and tamed them for use in and around Herri.
After Phoenix Site sent teams to visit the planet twice, Mari attacked the town of Herri and half a dozen Jaffa ushered their captives up the mountain. A team had to scale the holy mountain to Mari's cave to get to the captives. Abene showed them a trail that would lead them there.
When they took the journey up the holy mountain the Phoenix team could have encountered a flooded section. It also could have been blocked by a mass of downed trees caused by Ma'tok staff blasts from the Jaffa. There also could have been a mudslide of clay, dirt and other sediment. (RPG: "The Eyes of the Storm")