Heru'ur's invasion of Cimmeria was an invasion launched by the Goa'uld System Lord Heru'ur of the Asgard protected planet of Cimmeria.
In 1997, SG-1 travels to the planet Cimmeria in the hopes of contacting allies in their fight against the Goa'uld. There, Teal'c, a Jaffa and Colonel Jack O'Neill got trapped in Thor's Hammer, an Asgard device designed to trap and kill both Goa'uld and Jaffa while sparing the hosts. With no other choice, SG-1 was forced to destroy Thor's Hammer in order to free Teal'c and provided the Cimmerians with a Sagan Institute Box in order to contact them if the need ever arose.[4]
A year after SG-1 destroyed Thor's Hammer to rescue Teal'c from being trapped, the Goa'uld System Lord Heru'ur comes to Cimmeria and takes over the planet to be part of his territory, killing former Goa'uld host Kendra in the process and destroying the Cimmerian's village and most of their farms and killing over half of their people. Following Kendra's last instructions, Gairwyn sends the Sagan Institute Box through the Stargate to Earth in hopes of getting help from the Tau'ri. However, while she survives, her husband and his brothers are killed in the process along with one Jaffa. SG-1 travels to Cimmeria to discover Thor's Hammer destroyed and three pyramid landing pads under construction. Soon after meeting up with Gairwyn, SG-1 comes under attack by Jaffa. They kill two, but are forced to retreat when more show up. Needing to find out more information on Heru'ur and his troops, Colonel Jack O'Neill and Teal'c scout the Jaffa encampment with the help of Olaf, but Olaf is captured by Heru'ur and his Horus Guards. Looking for information on SG-1, Heru'ur starts to torture Olaf with his Kara kesh, but O'Neill and Teal'c kill several of his Jaffa, allowing Olaf to escape. Heru'ur protects himself with his personal shield during the fight, but Teal'c manages to destroy a staff weapon he reaches for, causing Heru'ur to order the Stargate to be guarded.
Needing to find a way to stop Heru'ur and his troops before his Ha'tak's arrive, O'Neill, Teal'c and Olaf decide to use claymores to cause as much damage as possible while Captain Samantha Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson and Gairwyn go to the Hall of Thor's Might which they believe may contain Asgard weapons they can use to defeat the Goa'uld. O'Neill, Teal'c and Olaf engage a Jaffa patrol, killing them with a combination of their weapons and the claymores but leave when another patrol starts coming. As a result of the ambush, the Jaffa start to use an interlacing hunting pattern to locate SG-1 and the Cimmerians and sweep in and corner them. At the same time, Jackson, Carter and Gairwyn manage to pass the Test of Worthiness in the Hall of Might and find out that the reward isn't weapons, but to meet Thor himself in his true form, a Roswell Gray alien. Thor explains that the tests were meant to determine if the Cimmerians were advanced enough to see the Asgard as they really are and is not pleased to learn of the destruction of the Hammer and the fact that the Goa'uld are attacking Cimmeria. However, he does nothing but send Jackson and Carter back to outside the Hall and cause Gairwyn to disappear.
Soon after SG-1 reunites, the Jaffa find the cave where they are hiding with the Cimmerians and demand the surrender of SG-1, proclaiming that otherwise they will kill everyone and if they surrender, the Cimmerians will be allowed to live but as Heru'ur's slaves. Outnumbered twenty to one and realizing all the men, women and children will be killed if they even fight, SG-1 surrenders to spare the Cimmerians. As the Jaffa escort SG-1 to their encampment, Thor arrives in his ship, the Biliskner and attacks, sending out waves of energy that cause the Jaffa and their encampment to disappear while destroying the pyramids. However, Heru'ur escapes through the Stargate before Thor can get him too.[3]
With the invasion over, Thor sends Gairwyn back who explains that Thor has told her to tell SG-1 that the Asgard have visited Earth often and are friends and protectors of all but the Goa'uld whom they are at war with. Thor also refuses to meet SG-1 face to face as he believes that the Tau'ri are too "young." To protect the Cimmerians from further invasion, Thor will build a new Hammer that will make an exception for Teal'c so he can safely visit Cimmeria and will send an Asgard teacher to help the Cimmerians rebuild.[3]
The invasion of Cimmeria proves to be the first contact between the Tau'ri and the Asgard, later bolstered by O'Neill traveling to Othala after falling victim to the Ancient Repository of knowledge.[5] These meetings start a long-lasting relationship between the two species that more officially begins when Earth is included by the Asgard in their Protected Planets Treaty.[6]
- Stargate SG-1
- Season 2
- "Thor's Chariot"
- "Out of Mind" (Mentioned)
- Season 2