"I have found an interesting way of rerouting your new halon fire suppression system all the way from Hazmat storage to personnel quarters."
Elizabeth Weir (possessed by Phoebus)[src]

Halon gas is a material used in many fire suppression mechanisms. It is quick acting, non-conductive, non-volatile and leaves no residue behind, which makes it a perfect choice for areas such as a computer labs, libraries and museums. However the gas can be deadly to humans when it reacts with fire.

Installed in Atlantis is a Halon Fire Suppression System (SGA: "The Long Goodbye")

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AdariteAlkalineAmmoniaArgonAsgard alloyAtomBariumBerylliumBoronCadoliinCalcium carbonateCarbonCarbon dioxideCarbon monoxideCarocevCharcoalChlorineCoalCyanideDeuteriumDiamondDieselEmeraldFodinaireGasGasolineGoldGraniteGypsumHalon gasHeavy waterHeliumHU-2340Hydrochloric acidHydrogenIodineIridiumIronKevlarLeadLimeLiquid hydrogenLiquid NaquadahLiquid nitrogenLithium hydrideMarbleMethaneNaquadahNaquadriaNethemiaNeutroniumNezanatNickelNitrogenNovus CO2 scrubber substanceOlesian oreOxygenPalladium hydridePapyrusPlutoniumPotassiumPotassium nitrateSaltSiliconSilverSteelSulfurSulfur dioxideSulfur dioxide microbeTetrachloroethyleneTitaniumTriniumUraniumWaterWoodXenon