The Hall of Recording is a location on Chulak. Reading and writing was forbidden among Jaffa except by the priesthood or some special warriors (such as a Second Prime or First Prime). The few existing records are kept in the Hall of Recording, which kept the written records of the gods of Chulak, their visitations and their births. These records are only for clergy and had been recorded in such a way that to decipher their meaning could sometimes be impossible.
The individual Jaffa priests warped records with their own personal opinions and Goa'uld are always painted in an overwhelmingly positive light. Even the act of implantation in an unwilling host was recognized as a wonderful rebirth through the righteous exorcisms of the undeserving.
While Jaffa priests made the recording and ensured the authenticity of the written record, some Jaffa outside the clergy had been allowed into the hall too. They ensured the buildings maintenance, kept out intruders and helped catalog chronicles through a simple visual system. Most importantly, such keepers of the hall must be unable to read and write, though a small number had managed to successfully teach themselves after time. (RPG: "Roleplaying Game")