
HU-2340 in a container.

HU-2340 (Maclarium) is a super-heavy element having an atomic weight over 200 and larger than plutonium.


A small jar took Dr. Douglas MacLaren, its creator, five years to create. The jar was strapped to a MALP and sent through to the Asgard-protected planet K'tau. En-route it passed directly through K'Tau's star with the intentions to use the material to repair the stellar body following a dramatic shift to infrared.

It is unclear if the HU-2340 saved K'Tau, or the Asgard, or both. In her official report Major Samantha Carter referred to HU-2340 as Maclarium. (SG1: "Red Sky")


In actuality, there are dozens of known elements (even at the time of filming) that fit the criterion of an "atomic weight larger than plutonium", although almost all of them have never been made in quantities larger than several atoms worth (with americium and einsteinium being the exceptions). In fact, just one year later in 2002 oganesson was synthesized for the first time (an element with an atomic number of 118 and atomic weight of 294). Although, HU-2340 quite closely fits the timeframe of copernicium's discovery, of which occurred in 1996. While copernicium (atomic number 112, atomic weight 285) has also never been synthesized on anything larger than an atomic scale, it is theorized to be a liquid at room temperature (which would make it suitable for transportation in a container as shown, although it would be extremely radioactive).


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AdariteAlkalineAmmoniaArgonAsgard alloyAtomBariumBerylliumBoronCadoliinCalcium carbonateCarbonCarbon dioxideCarbon monoxideCarocevCharcoalChlorineCoalCyanideDeuteriumDiamondDieselEmeraldFodinaireGasGasolineGoldGraniteGypsumHalon gasHeavy waterHeliumHU-2340Hydrochloric acidHydrogenIodineIridiumIronKevlarLeadLimeLiquid hydrogenLiquid NaquadahLiquid nitrogenLithium hydrideMarbleMethaneNaquadahNaquadriaNethemiaNeutroniumNezanatNickelNitrogenNovus CO2 scrubber substanceOlesian oreOxygenPalladium hydridePapyrusPlutoniumPotassiumPotassium nitrateSaltSiliconSilverSteelSulfurSulfur dioxideSulfur dioxide microbeTetrachloroethyleneTitaniumTriniumUraniumWaterWoodXenon