
Gypsum is a very soft mineral composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate, which, contrary to what Andrea Palmer says, contains no carbonate (although as an evaporite it is often found in the presence of Calcium carbonate). In 2009, the crew of the Destiny traveled to a desert planet in search of calcium carbonate to use to repair the ship's CO2 scrubbers. Near the Stargate they tested the sand and found gypsum. While the gypsum could not be used to fix the scrubbers, it gave the team an indication that the necessary components may be nearby on the planet. (SGU: "Air, Part 3")

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AdariteAlkalineAmmoniaArgonAsgard alloyAtomBariumBerylliumBoronCadoliinCalcium carbonateCarbonCarbon dioxideCarbon monoxideCarocevCharcoalChlorineCoalCyanideDeuteriumDiamondDieselEmeraldFodinaireGasGasolineGoldGraniteGypsumHalon gasHeavy waterHeliumHU-2340Hydrochloric acidHydrogenIodineIridiumIronKevlarLeadLimeLiquid hydrogenLiquid NaquadahLiquid nitrogenLithium hydrideMarbleMethaneNaquadahNaquadriaNethemiaNeutroniumNezanatNickelNitrogenNovus CO2 scrubber substanceOlesian oreOxygenPalladium hydridePapyrusPlutoniumPotassiumPotassium nitrateSaltSiliconSilverSteelSulfurSulfur dioxideSulfur dioxide microbeTetrachloroethyleneTitaniumTriniumUraniumWaterWoodXenon