
The Goa'uld healing device is a hand device used by the Goa'uld to instantly heal a person.


The healing device of the Goa'uld is a mechanism consisting of a large red crystal emitter which can be slid on one's hand. Like other Goa'uld hand devices, the healing device can only be used by people who have Naquadah in their blood such as Goa'uld, Tok'ra, and former hosts. Its operation appears to be similar to the Goa'uld ribbon device (Kara kesh), as it seems to require strong desire or emotion from the user to activate. It is also possible to make the device light up but not work, as Nirrti did when she bluffed trying to heal Cronus with the device. The device is capable of healing Staff weapon wounds, several diseases and even near fatal injuries. It is however not as powerful as a Sarcophagus and can't revive the dead.


Although it is unknown how the Goa'uld invented the healing device, it is quite possible that it was created using data from the Ancient healing device, similar to the sarcophagus.

SG-1 first made contact with such a device when they visited the planet Cimmeria, where it was used by the former Goa'uld host Kendra to heal injures of the Cimmerians. When Heru'ur took over the planet one year later, Kendra was killed and her Goa'uld devices came into the possession of Stargate Command. (SG1: "Thor's Hammer", "Thor's Chariot"). This device was used several months later by Samantha Carter to heal the injuries of Cronus after he was injured by Nirrti in order to prevent a war with the Goa'uld. Although ultimately successful, Carter expressed concerns that she hadn't been a host long enough to use the device effectively. (SG1: "Fair Game")

When curing Cassandra Fraiser of the retrovirus she was afflicted with, Nirrti used a healing device combined with another instrument from her lab to try to cure Cassandra. The first attempt failed with Nirrti stating that they had waited too long, but Dr. Janet Fraiser insisted she try again and after a second longer try, Nirrti succeeded in curing Cassandra. (SG1: "Rite of Passage")

When Daniel Jackson was mortally wounded due to Naquadria radiation, both Sam and Jacob Carter tried to heal his injuries with a healing device. When Sam attempted to use the device on Daniel, it worsened his condition. Jacob had better luck, perhaps due to the presence of a current symbiote. Although the device may have been able to heal him, Daniel told Jack to make them stop so he could ascend. (SG1: "Meridian")

Vala Mal Doran had apparently been host to the Goa'uld Qetesh long enough that she was able to use the healing device as effectively as a blended individuals, and used a healing device to help the people of P8X-412 after they were infected with a deadly plague by a Prior. Although she was able to heal many at first, the device lost its effect later when the Prior adapted the plague to be resistant to such technology. A year later, Vala, now a permanent member of the SGC and SG-1 used another such device to heal members of SG-25 who were attacked by a mutated beast on P9J-333. (SG1: "The Powers That Be", "Uninvited")

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Goa'uld AmaterasuAnkerAnnaAnubisAnubis' AshrakAnubis' Goa'uld LieutenantApophisAresAthenaBa'alBastetBelusBynarrCamulusCronusDemonEdrekhAdrian Conrad's Goa'uldKianna Cyr's Goa'uldSteven Caldwell's Goa'uldHeru'urImhotepJa'dinKaliKendra's Goa'uldKlorelMardukMolocMorriganMotNefertumNerusNirrtiNutOlokunOsirisPelopsQeteshRaRamiusRuaxSeteshSokarSvarogTanithTelchakThothTiamatTilgathWepwawetYu-huang Shang TiZipacnaZirstyr
Goa'uld queens AmaunetAnatAnubis' queenAsherahBadbCleo (Goa'uld)Cronus' QueenDanuEgeriaEphadriaGoa'uld Queen (Core Rulebook)HathorIsisMarasisMatMorgauseMorriganNutPamchadraTaweretXiwangmuZarpani
Goa'uld hosts AdriaApophis' hostAziruSteven CaldwellCanonRuslan ChernovshevAdrian ConradCrossKianna CyrSeth FargoughRichard FlemmingSarah GardnerHebronDaniel JacksonK'tanoCharles KawalskyKendraAnatole KonstantinovLiandraVala Mal DoranCharlotte MayfieldMalcolm McCaffreyRa (Human)Ruax's Unas HostSha'reFrank SimmonsSingerSkaaraSergei VallarinAlexi Vaselov
Goa'uld outposts AbydosAkkadAnubis' WorldApophis' training planetArgosArkhan's worldAsdadChodawwaChulakCo'rakDakaraDelmakDenderaDendredErebusEskalHankaHasara space stationJebannaJunaKhonsu's WorldLangaraMalkshurMedieval planetMemphisNasyaNetuNirrti's planetP2C-257P2X-338P2X-887P3X-042P3X-367P3X-584P4A-771P4S-237P5S-117P6Y-325P8X-412P8X-873PangarParavalPraxyonPX9-757Ra's planetRamius' homeworldTartarus
Goa'uld technology Al'keshAnti-gravity platformArk bombAerial Zat'nik'tel PlatformAnubis' mothershipAnubis' superweaponArchaic Tel'takBattleshipGoa'uld bodiceBreathing filtration systemCanon's ringCheops class warshipCloakCryogenic storage deviceDeath GliderDeath Glider communication systemDeath Glider propulsion systemGoa'uld control consoleGoa'uld GDOGoa'uld force fieldGoa'uld hologramGoa'uld hyperdriveGoa'uld recording deviceGoa'uld sensorGoa'uld shieldGoa'uld grenadeHa'takHara'keshGoa'uld healing deviceGoa'uld homing deviceIncomplete Goa'uld spacecraftIntarInvisibility screenKara keshKor mak braceletKull armorLight Matrix HologramLong range visual communication deviceMa'Tok staffMask of AnubisMind probeNaniteNaquadah bombNeedle ThreaderNirrti's deviceNirrti's instrumentNirrti's TablePage turning devicePlasma chargePlasma repeaterGoa'uld remote controlRecall deviceReconnaissance probeRing remoteRod of AnguishGoa'uld scanning deviceSarcophagusScarab miniature naquadah bombGoa'uld shield generatorShort range communicatorSolar radiation shieldStaff cannonStargate dialerStasis jarTacluchnatagamuntoronGoa'uld targeting deviceTel'takTransphase Eradication RodTransportation ringsTroopshipVo'cume projectorZat'nik'tel
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Anatomy AdipocereAdrenalineBloodBoneBrainCalfCervical vertebraeCollarboneDelta waveDNADreamEarEyeFemurGangliaGluteGoateeHeartImmune systemKidneyLarynxLiverLungOvaryPheremonesPhysiologyProtein markerRibScapulaSexSkullSleepSpineStem cellTelomereTestosteroneToothThoracic vertebraeWraith enzymeUrine
Medicine AmbienAmphetaminesAnestheticAnesthetic salveAntacidAnti-aging vaccineAnti-radiation drugAntibioticAntihistamineArgosian relaxation drugAspirinAtropineBeta-CantinBeta blockerBlood of SokarBlue Sickness inoculationCalcium channel blockerDantroleneDargolDopamine inhibitorDoxepinDramamineElio'so pasteEmergency Viral ResponseEnchuri plantFastClotFentanylFerassin root serumFirst aid kitHaloperidolHoffan drugIbuprofenInsulinIodineIratus bug retrovirusKash'taKassaLidocaineLithiumLorazepamLucius' herbMannitolMarijuanaMidazolamMorphineNeuraminidase inhibitorPhageNimodipineNish'taNitroglycerinNovocainePerphenazineProteinReol chemicalRoshnaSedativeSodium pentatholStimulantSymbiote poisonTretoninTylenolUd'Wat incenseValiumVenomWarfarinWraith gene therapy
Medical conditions AllergyAlzheimer's diseaseAmnesiaAnaphylactic shockAncient contagionAneurysmAnxietyAppendicitisArthritisBacteriaBarion's syndromeBerchart's syndromeBlood feverBlue SicknessCaffeine withdrawalCancerCatatonic shockCellular degradationCerebral hypoxiaCerebral oedemaChickenpoxClaustrophobiaComaCommon coldConcussionDéjà vuDepressionDiabetesEbolaEpilepsyFaintingFeverFrostbiteGlaucomaHallucinationsHeart attackHeart murmurHiccupsHIVHypochondriaHypoglycemiaHypothermiaHypoxiaInfluenzaInternal bleedingKirsan feverKlinefelter's syndromeLeprosyLesionLinea's plagueLou Gehrig's DiseaseMad cow diseaseMeningitisMigraineMind fireMinotaur SyndromeMotion sicknessNakai pathogenNervous systemNicotine withdrawalPneumoniaPost-traumatic stress disorderPregnancyPRIOR2 virusRadiation poisoningRenal failureRestless legs syndromeScarlet feverSchizophreniaSciaticaSecond ChildhoodShockSterilityStrokeSubdural hematomaSunburnTelomereTouch virusTouched SyndromeVertigoVomitWraith cancerWraith enzyme withdrawalWraith pathogen
Medical procedures AbortionATA gene therapyAutopsyAveriumBio screenBrain surgeryCardiopulmonary resuscitationCAT ScanChemotherapyDecompressive craniectomyElectroconvulsive therapyHypnosisLamazeMedically induced comaNanite medical programNanotech Universal Recovery SystemPhysical therapyPlastic surgeryPsychiatric evaluationQuarantine lockdownRorschach testStitchesSurgeryTransfusionUltrasound
Medical devices Ancient healing deviceAtlantis Medical ScannerBedrosian syringeBody bagBone sawContainment stretcherCrutchesDefibrillatorDisinfectantElectrocardiographyElectroencephalographyGoa'uld healing deviceInjection syringeLantean medical scannerMagnetic resonance imagingMahes' technologyMedical ThermometerMicroscopeOptical regeneratorPET ScanRubbing alcoholSarcophagusScalpelStethoscopeSurgical drillTraveler syringeWand of HorusWheelchairWraith medical scanner
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