
This planet has no known canonical name.  While the information presented in this article is canonical, the planet described lacks an official name, thus the title is conjecture.

"If they need a place to reload on gear or a place to hide, they come here."

Genii outpost is a planet in the Pegasus galaxy where the Genii had an outpost.


The outpost was a safehouse for Genii spies. It was a place for them to reload their gear or to hide. The outpost was also used if, for any reason, they couldn't make it back to the Genii homeworld.

In 2005, Ford's Coalition raided the outpost for C-4. (SGA: "The Lost Boys")

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v  e
Genii AthorCowenCradenFaberFortnumGenii Commander (The Brotherhood)Genii Private (The Storm)HaemonHeironIdosKanayoAcastus KolyaLankoArgan LociCassel MassanMikliesDavon MinosPranosPrenumDahlia RadimLadon RadimTassTathalToranTyrusSora TyrusVarelon
Genii outposts Genii homeworldGenii outpostGenii outpost 17Kolya's planetM1K-177M5V-801M6R-867SorthTaadinWorld (Common Ground)
Genii technology Genii A-bombGenii Army uniformGenii communicatorGenii computerGenii explosiveGenii knifeGenii pistolGenii revolverGenii semi-automatic machine gunGenii shotgunGenii taser rodInterface deviceSora Tyrus' knife
Terms Elite GuardGenii Confederation